Günter Nooke

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Günter Nooke

Born 21 January 1959 in Forst (Lausitz), married, 3 daughters


  • Since 2014 Commissioner for Africa of the Federal Minstry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Since 2010 Personal Representative of the German Chancellor for Africa
    2006 – 2010 Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid at the Federal Foreign Office
  • 2003 – 2014 Deputy chair of the Broadcasting Board of Deutsche Welle
  • 1998 – 2005 Member of the German Bundestag, spokesperson of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group on culture and the media; spokesperson and chair of the working group on the Culture in Germany Study Commission; spokesperson of the CDU Bundestag members from Eastern Germany and deputy chair of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group
  • 1995 – 1998 Head of the management control and resource planning department,
    Office of the Steering and Budgetary Committee responsible for Redevelopment and Ecological Restructuring of the Landscape in Lignite Mining Regions, Berlin
  • 1990 – 1994 Member of the Brandenburg Landtag (regional parliament), chair of the Landtag Parliamentary Group Alliance (the party Alliance 90 was founded by members of the GDR civil rights movement)
  • 1990 Member of the Volkskammer (first democratically elected parliament) of the GDR and member of its Economic Affairs Committee
  • Member of the Administrative Board of the Treuhandanstalt (agency responsible for privatizing formerly state-owned industry in the GDR)
  • 1985 – 1990 Head of department, Cottbus District occupational medicine inspectorate

Publications: Many articles in newspapers, periodicals and books on a wide range of subjects, editor of “Lexikon des DDR-Sozialismus” (UTB Wissen-schaft), 2nd edition, Paderborn/Munich/Vienna/Zürich 1997, co-editor of “Gelten Menschenrechte universal? Begründungen und Infragestellungen”, Freiburg/Basel/Wien 2008 (see also http://www.nooke.de/texte/publikationen)

