PROGRAMME October 30, 2015

9.00                 Admission and Registration

9.30                Opening Remarks

– Veye Tatah, Chairwoman and Chief Editor, Africa Positive
– Dr. Susanne Fengler, Director, Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University
– Dr. Markus Behmer, Institute for Communication, University Bamberg
– Nino Klingler, Federal Foreign Office

10.00               Eric Chinje, CEO, African Media Initiative (AMI)
Migration and the Role of the Media: An African Perspective

10.30               Discussion, Chair: Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler

11.00               Coffee Break

11.30               Roundtable I

African Media and the Refugee Crisis: Insights from Africa

– Adolf Mbaine, Makerere University, Uganda
– Dr. Michael Andindilile, University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
– Timothy Quashigah, Ghana Institute of Journalism, Ghana
– Dr. Monica Chibita, Uganda Christian University, Uganda
– Etienne Fopa-Simo, University Yaoundé II, Cameroon
– Prof. Levi Obonyo, Daystar University, Kenya
– Mathewos Tadesse, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Chair: Ludger Schadomsky,  Leiter des DW-Radio Amharisch (Äthiopien)

13.00               Lunch

14.00               Katya Andrusz, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights   
“A European Perspective on the Refugee Crisis”

14.30               Discussion, Chair: Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler

15.00               Coffee Break

15:30              Roundtable II

European Media and the Refugee Crisis: National Reactions

– Michael Unger, ARTE, Germany/France
– James Jeffrey, BBC, Great Britain
– Per Svensson, Sydvenskan, Sweden
– Dr. Raluca Nicoleta Radu, University of Bucarest, Rumänien

Chair: Prof. Dr. Markus Behmer, Bamberg University

16.30               Perspectives for Journalism Education:
                        The Project “Journalism in a Global Context”

                        Veye Tatah, Africa Positive

17.00               Farewell Reception
