Afrotopia – Afrikas Zukunft und Europas Vergangenheit

Veye Tatah, Unternehmerin und Chefredakteurin des Magazins Africa Positive und der Kulturjournalisten René Aguigah sprachen mit dem Moderator Wolfram Eilenberger über die Ziele und Voraussetzungen eines neuen, nicht zuletzt auch philosophisch selbstbewussten afrikanischen Weges. Die Sendung ist auch auf Youtube zu sehen.

Gesellschaft + Politik

About Veye Tatah

Veye Tatah is a computer scientist and Entrepreneur from Cameroon. Tatah is currently self-employed as a consultant and project manager specializing in political, cross-cultural and media-related themes. Of particular interest is the development policy in Africa. She is the founder of the Africa Positive organization and acts as the editor-in-chief of a magazine called AFRICA POSITIVE, which has been published in German-speaking countries since 1998. She received a couple of awards for her voluntary activities in promoting integration - Among others; in 2010 she received the Federal Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. ( She is the Author of the Book “Afrika 3.0” published in May 2014 which tackles the negative Image of Africa in the West.